Human Rights

  • Cover image for Comment: What is driving the Home Office fees increase?

    Comment: What is driving the Home Office fees increase?

    the Home Office traditionally responds that the immigration system should be “funded by those who benefit from it”, in order to reduce taxpayer expense

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  • Cover image for Long delays in Home Office provision of immigration bail accommodation are lawful

    Long delays in Home Office provision of immigration bail accommodation are lawful

    Where a detainee is held under immigration powers by the state, he or she has the right to apply to be released on bail to the First-tier Tribunal.

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  • Cover image for High Court remedy for woman embroiled in disputed citizenship claim

    High Court remedy for woman embroiled in disputed citizenship claim

    Making it clear that individuals can pursue remedies in the High Court for declarations regarding citizenship.

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  • Cover image for Legal aid would have prevented Windrush

    Legal aid would have prevented Windrush

    On the plight of long-resident Commonwealth citizens, free legal advice used to be available for those making immigration applications. Now it is not.

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  • Cover image for The Tragedy of Windrush

    The Tragedy of Windrush

    Several cases have come to light in recent weeks and months of the treatment of Commonwealth citizens who arrived in the UK in the 1950s and 1960s.

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  • Cover image for Refusal overturned after failure to consider evidence

    Refusal overturned after failure to consider evidence

    Should the Home Office read all of the supporting evidence sent in with an application?

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  • Cover image for Edgewater Legal features in Private Eye

    Edgewater Legal features in Private Eye

    Edgewater Legal made a Freedom of Information request several months ago, asking the Ministry of Justice about the numbers of European nationals who are sentenced to longer than 12 months in prison each year.

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  • Cover image for Edgewater Legal in the Guardian

    Edgewater Legal in the Guardian

    Edgewater Legal was quoted in the Guardian last week following a request to comment on deportation letters sent to European nationals in error.

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  • Cover image for EU deportation law: explainer

    EU deportation law: explainer

    Whilst the UK remains a member of the EU, overarching principles of European law apply to deportation from the UK of European citizens.

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  • Cover image for Explainer: deportation law

    Explainer: deportation law

    Deportation proceedings pit the rights of the individual against those of the state, appointed guardian of the public interest.

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  • Cover image for Should refugees claim asylum upon arrival in their first ‘safe’ country?

    Should refugees claim asylum upon arrival in their first ‘safe’ country?

    “Why don’t asylum seekers stop before they get here?”

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  • Cover image for When does asylum country guidance bind?

    When does asylum country guidance bind?

    Is the First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) bound to take into account a Country Guidance (CG) case that is issued by the Upper Tribunal after the date of the FTT hearing, and after the date the FTT judge signs the determination, but before that determination is promulgated?

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