Migrant Sponsorship

  • Cover image for White Paper: RLMT doesn't work

    White Paper: RLMT doesn't work

    According to the government's own White Paper, the Resident Labour Market Test – clipboard-wielding love child of Gordon Brown’s promise of ‘British jobs for British workers’ and Home Office policy making genius – does not work.

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  • Cover image for The Tier 2 chef & TripAdvisor review

    The Tier 2 chef & TripAdvisor review

    In 2015, it had a Tier 2 sponsor licence, meaning that it could sponsor workers from overseas to come and work in the UK.

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  • Cover image for Home Office visits to Tier 2 sponsors

    Home Office visits to Tier 2 sponsors

    The UK work permit system requires employers to obtain a Tier 2 license before they can employ foreign non-European staff who do not otherwise have an entitlement to work.

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  • Cover image for Home Office reveals that 'Sponsor Investigation Team' comprises 4 inspectors

    Home Office reveals that 'Sponsor Investigation Team' comprises 4 inspectors

    The UK government suggested in evidence given to the House of Lords European Union Committee that the Tier 2 sponsor license system could provide a suitable template to a post-Brexit work permit system (paragraph 133).

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  • Cover image for The Tier 2 Sponsor License regime

    The Tier 2 Sponsor License regime

    Earlier this week EL posted a detailed piece on the Free Movement asking whether Tier 2 was Brexit ready.

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  • Cover image for Tier 2: is it Brexit ready?

    Tier 2: is it Brexit ready?

    Everything about the UK work permit system is designed to disincentivise employers importing migrant labour from outside of the EU.

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  • Cover image for Tier 2 update: criminal record check requirement

    Tier 2 update: criminal record check requirement

    On 6 April 2017 a new requirement to obtain a criminal record certificate will come into force for Tier 2 applicants (and their adult dependents) in the fields of education, health and social care.

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